Business Reporting Use Cases Updated
Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 11:56AM
Charlie in Business Reporting Logical Model, Business use cases, Creating Investor Friendly SEC XBRL Filings, General Information, Modeling Business Information Using XBRL, XBRL General Information

I have reached a big milestone in updating the business reporting use cases which I am putting together. You can get to those from this index page which contains the use cases plus some other things relating to the use cases. This is a direct link to 31 business use cases.

Several points about these business use cases.

I do intend to provide additional documentation which explains the subtle characteristics of these use cases which one can miss if they are not pointed out.  Not sure when. My next goal is to create a comprehensive example which tests these use cases by seeing how they interrelate with one another within one larger business report.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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