A Wired article, The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet, points out the difference in the Web and the Internet and points out that the Web is in decline.
In trying to distinguish between "the Web" and "the Internet", Wired's Chris Anderson says (emphasis is mine):
This is not a trivial distinction. Over the past few years, one of the most important shifts in the digital world has been the move from the wide-open Web to semiclosed platforms that use the Internet for transport but not the browser for display. It’s driven primarily by the rise of the iPhone model of mobile computing, and it’s a world Google can’t crawl, one where HTML doesn’t rule. And it’s the world that consumers are increasingly choosing, not because they’re rejecting the idea of the Web but because these dedicated platforms often just work better or fit better into their lives (the screen comes to them, they don’t have to go to the screen). The fact that it’s easier for companies to make money on these platforms only cements the trend. Producers and consumers agree: The Web is not the culmination of the digital revolution.
It is a long article but worth reading.
I believe that the wide-open Web will co-exist with many semiclosed platforms used by business, alternatives to the wild-wild west of the Web. The iPhone and iTunes are two great examples of semiclosed platforms.