I am still experimenting, but what I have been able to do this far is to use the core financial semantics analysis set of 5525 SEC XBRL filings as a base, take the top 100 of those filings, and generate a reorganized version of that information which serves as a set of examples.
You can find these exemplars of the top 100 SEC XBRL financial filings here.
There are a number of different views, so let me explain them a bit:
My HTML rendering is simply a recasting of the information from the SEC XBRL financial filings in the EDGAR database into a form which is useful for a specific purpose: to compare filings and provide examples. I am showing all these steps so that people can understand how the HTML is generated and how the information is derived.
More importantly, imagine a software application being able to read those XBRL files. Imagine all this information being available within a software application for creating SEC XBRL financial filings. Why would you need that? Why do people use the AICPA publication Accounting Trends and Techniques? Same reason.
But there is a big difference. The AICPA version is a survey of 600 companies. My list is of 100, but that is only for my testing, I will expand this to all 5525 in my set. The AICPA only does 600 because they create that publication manually. My process will be fully automated. The AICPA version is in the form of a book with a limited number of pages. My version will have no limits as it exists on the Internet. I can provide much more information such as specializations by industry, specific accounting topics, etc.
The biggest difference is, however, is that my list will provide metadata for software applications. The AICPA version is for humans to read.
So basically, imagine Accounting Trends and Techniques tightly integrated into a software application used for creating financial statements. Seems pretty useful to me.
What do you think of the idea? The entire SEC EDGAR XBRL financial filings database as a helpful resource for creating financial statements. Sort things by industry, by financial reporting topic, by whatever one might find useful.