In my work to experiment with and further expand the Financial Report Semantics and Dynamics Theory, I analyzed a set of 291 SEC Form 10-K financial filings. Below are the resources I used which might be helpful to other accountants trying to better understand these filings. (These were Form 10-K filings filed between December 1, 2011 and February 29, 2012.
What am I seeing? Well, first off; the entire set of 4416 is consistent with other analysis work which I have done and continues to show the core financial report semantics relating to the existence of assets, liabilities and equity, equity, net income, and net cash flow; plus the balance sheet does, in fact, balance.
Now, for this analysis; what I did was take specific select filings which had all of these core semantics, which where "commercial and industrial companies" (i.e. they were not in any specific industry or had no specific activities which used industry/activity specific accounting policies such as banking, insurance, real estate, etc.), they had no other obvious errors which would make me believe that the filings were of significanly poor quality, and they had the following additional semantics:
So basically, what I am saying is that if the filing was a 10-K (and was detailed-tagged), if I found all the core financial relationships to be true, and if I found all of these basic financial relationships above to all be true and if they worked correctly; then I used the filing for my analysis.
What was I looking at? Disclosures mainly.
What did I find? Well first off, pretty much as expected; every filer reported "significant accounting policies". Now, they did this in many different ways, but it was there for everyone in one form or another.
Something else I became aware of that had not occurred to me in the past is that information for all disclosures is reported twice: once in the [Text Block]s or marked "(Table)" in some filings and a second time in the "(Detail)". Two things about the (Table) stuff which is really [Text Block]s and (Detail) stuff. First, not all sections like this are consistently marked and the is no physical connection between the (Table) and the (Detail) for the same information. Another way of saying this is that I personally wish these were marked consistently and that there was some "hook" which explicitly indicated that they went together.
Other sections which I found in almost 100% of the filings were things such as:
There were other filings which had high number of occurrences but not 100%. But there were, as was expected, lots of consistencies. Now, the filers did not always use the same US GAAP Taxonomy concepts to express the same things, but just like "liabilities and stockholders' equity" and "liabilities and partner capital" and "liabilities and member equity" are all really "liabilities and equity"; there is lots and lots of nice consistency.
Further, if you found the [Text Block]s above; what do you think the probability is of the details of those items to likewise exist within the filing? Pretty darn high.
Now, the disclosures work differently than the statements. You pretty much always have a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. What is on those statements can be much different; but what is rarely different are the fact that balance sheets exist and balance sheets have assets, liabilities and equity, equity, and the balance sheet balances.
While a few of the disclosures always exist, most of the disclosures exist only exist if specific line items exist in the statements of if a reporting entity has those items to disclose. But, if the disclosure exists, it likewise has specific semantics.
What is my point? Semantics. This stuff is not random. There are reasons things show up or if they don't show up and if they do show up, other things must show up or not show up and the information ties together. This is all like a financial reporting sudoku puzzle.