Functionality Accountants Need from SEC XBRL Financial Filing Verification Software
Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 07:56AM
Charlie in Creating Investor Friendly SEC XBRL Filings

Clearly software plays a role in the verification of an SEC XBRL financial filing.  In fact, the more computer software does for you, the less manual work you need to perform (which reduces cost) and the easier it is to achieve the quality level most accountants desire.

Continuing my assessment of how to verify an SEC XBRL financial filing; here is a preliminary list of the functionality verification software needs to provide accountants and others in support of the process of verifying an SEC XBRL financial filing:

Finding verification software with all these features can be challenging today.  But, if you start asking for these features because you believe you need them; it helps motivate software vendors to provide these features.  What I personally do is use multiple software applications to achieve my verification needs.  This may not always be possible or practical; but it is better than trying to "roll your own" in Excel.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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