The terms "semantics" and "metadata" are increasingly showing up in initiatives which are attempting to properly position governmental organizations and private companies in our new "digital economy". Two good examples of this are the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group and the Asset Description Metadata Schema initiative in Europe.
The Asset Description Metadata Schema folks have a great document, Towards Open Government Metadata which provides some very nice definitions of semantics and metadata.
Paraphrasing from that document, they explain that semantic interoperability is an essential precondition for open, flexible information exchange. Not the only precondition, but an essential precondition. This is consistent with what the HL7 folks say, pointing out that technical, semantic, and process interoperability are all important.
That document further describes why their "Semantic Interoperability Assets" (i.e. metadata) are important to achieving semantic interoperability:
"… the meaning of data elements and the relationship between them. It includes developing vocabulary to describe data exchanges, and ensures that data elements are understood in the same way by communicating parties."
This promotional video walks you through why semantic interoperability and appropriate metadata are essential ingredients for effective business to business information exchange.
Another part of that paper which is of particuar value in understanding the term metadata is what they call the five levels of maturity for metadata management:
When you build your XBRL based metadata to achieve the semantic interoperability described above in order to achieve business system to business system information exchange keep these ideas in the back of your mind.
One thing that is becoming increasingly unclear how XBRL best fits into the linked data initiatives such as the two above. These seem to be the spectrum of options:
Technical syntax is important, but less important than agreement on semantics. Or, maybe I am saying this incorrectly. Perhaps that it is not about which is more important, technical syntax or semantics; it seems to be that there are multiple "layers" which are necessary to achieve effective interoperability. If you have all the meaning, nothing prevents conversion from one technical syntax to another.
It seems as though some people are even questioning the XML syntax as the base for all other technical syntaxes. For example, JSON seems to be a more compact syntax than XML with some distinct advantages. Seems to me that the important thing is whether the technical syntax works correctly over HTTP and whether the syntax can be used globally. XML is global.