Reading List for Professional Accountants Trying to Understand Digital Financial Reporting
Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 07:28AM
Charlie in Becoming an XBRL Master Craftsman

XBRL International released a document, XBRL Taxonomy Guidance Document, which is a very good step in the right direction when it comes to building XBRL taxonomies. The focus is using the XBRL technical syntax correctly. That is only a portion what a taxonomy author needs to understand when they are representing information about a business domain in machine-readable form.

Over the years I have run across the following books which are extremely helpful in trying to understand digital financial reporting.  I strongly recommend that for anyone who wants to understand digital financial reporting well or who want to build rock-solid products/solutions to read the following books:

I would recommend reading the books in the order listed.  The investment in time to understand this information will avoid going down the wrong path.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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