Intermediate XBRL-based Financial Reporting
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 08:57AM
Charlie in Digital Financial Reporting

If you are here and you have not been through my gentle and cheap introduction to XBRL-based digital financial reporting, you might want to start there and then return here.

This intermediate XBRL-based digital financial reporting builds on what you learned in the introduction. There are two parts to this intermediate tutorial: 

There are two primary areas of focus on this intermediate discussion of XBRL-based digital financial reporting.  First, we want to disect the PROOF representation.  Second, we want to compare/contrast different financial reporting schemes; building up from small to large so that you can see the fundamental pieces of XBRL-based digital financial reports.

Whether you have already watched to video playlist Understanding the Financial Report Logical System, now would be a good time to watch that playlist again.

You can use this Microsoft Access-based XBRL-based report creation tool which focuses on what you need at the moment.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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