I have created and provided for free and open source (i.e. Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication) a software tool for creating XBRL taxonomies, XBRL linkbases including XBRL Formula, and XBRL instances including RAW XBRL and Inline XBRL. The software application was created using Microsoft Access and can be downloaded here.
You can understand what the tool does and learn how to use it from the gentle introduction to creating XBRL-based financial reports.
To give you an idea of the tool's capabilities, it was used to create this Inline XBRL based financial report example that I use for testing. Here are all the files assocationed with that Proof PLUS example.
The biggest limitation is the GUI which is not that fancy yet because of my limited programming skills, but I hope to get that rectified soon.
Any software engineer that might be interested in converting this into Python, Microsoft.Net, or some other language of your choice please don't hesitate to contact me and I can help you make that happen.