Try Pesseract, Get a Glimpse of the Future of Financial Reporting
Friday, April 3, 2020 at 02:28PM
Charlie in Digital Financial Reporting

Pesseract is a working proof of concept that was created by Hamed Mousavi, a software engineer, and myself. Hamed and some of his colleagues won the prize of 9th XBRL Global Academic Competition 2008-09, which was held in Bryant University, USA. 

Pesseract is not a commercial product yet, but it is very robust software application that works incredibly well for a proof of concept.  It can help you understand what you should be asking other software companies for in terms of features and functionality.  Here are several ways to understand Pesseract: 

If you download the software and want a license, email me and I will get you a license and send you instructions how to install the license.

Set the bar high!  Don't settle for substandard software.  Push software vendors in the right direction by being an informed buyer.

Want to try creating XBRL-based financial reports? Try Luca.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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