DAOs and the Future of Work
Saturday, January 1, 2022 at 08:56AM
Charlie in Digital Financial Reporting

The Future of Work is Not Corporate — It’s DAOs and Crypto Networks points out that the future of work is not the corporation, it is the DAO or decentralized autonomous organization.

The purpose of a DAO is to facilitate coordination. DAOs are for facilitating human cooperation via collective ownership. A DAO is a community that allows its members to coordinate funds and resources toward the achievement of some specific goal.  A DAO is a new mechanism to coordinate work. DAOs give communities coordination superpowers. DAO members are equity holders in the DAO.  That equity can grow, and grow, and grow.

The article points out that not all DAOs are necessarily "decentralized" or "autonomous".  It is best to think of DAOs as organizations that leverage the connectivity and other capabilities of the internet that are collectively owned and controlled by its members.

Participants fill different roles in a DAO.  Here are some examples provided by the article referenced above: 

A DAO is a great way to build a product and bring it to market.

Here is more information about DAOs:


DAOs Are Not Scary, Part 1: Self-Enforcing Contracts and Factum Law

DAOs, DACs, DAs, and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide

Create DAO using Aragon.org

Create DAO using Juicebox

Create DAO using DAOhaus

What is DAO?

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (http://xbrl.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.