Adherence to Core Financial Report Semantics Over 99.1% in all Categories
Sunday, April 1, 2012 at 08:16AM
Charlie in Creating Investor Friendly SEC XBRL Filings

My last analysis set of SEC XBRL financial filings had 4416 form 10-K and 10-Q in it. I have tuned my core financial report semantics slightly and I have been able to get the minimum adherence to these core semantics up to 99.1% or higher in all categories.  Below I provide this information and the lists of all outliers.

So, of these 4416 SEC financial filings:

To get a list of the exact concepts I am looking for, see the Financial Report Semantics and Dynamics Theory, the "Proof" section has the concepts.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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