Analysis of Core Balance Sheet Semantics of SEC XBRL Financial Filings
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 07:28AM

This is not a scientific study, rather it is a prototype and information which will help accountants understand how to create and verify SEC XBRL financial filings.  The information also is helpful in understanding the moving pieces of automating the extraction of information from SEC XBRL financial filings. This information is not intended for financial analysis. The following are known limitations of this prototype:

(a) Information provided is for each filing submitted to the SEC during the period indicated.  This includes ammended submissions.  So, it is a known bug that some submissions are shown multiple times.

(b) The current process only looks for ONE legal entity per filing.  However, SEC filings can contain more than one legal entity.  As such, the exact amounts which should be shown per filing has not yet been perfected. 

An analysis of 100% of the balance sheets of 7,220 SEC XBRL financial filings filed in the months of July, August, and September 2012 show that: (see below for where you can get the raw data)

Here is the data that I used:

  1. ZIP archive of all filings in Excel spreadsheet: This ZIP file contains an Excel spreadsheet with all the data which allows you to explore these filings for yourself.
  2. HTML page of all filings, by filer: Click to go to an HTML page which lists all 7,220 filings by filer name.
  3. HTML page of all filings, by total assets: Click to go to an HTML page which lists all 7,220 filings by the amount of total assets, highest to lowest.
  4. HTML page of all filings, by generator, then by filer:  Click to go to an HTML page which lists all 7,220 filings sorted by "generator" (creation software reported by XBRL Cloud), then by filer name.
  5. HTML page, ERRORS ONLY, by filer: List of ONLY the errors, sorted by filer name.
  6. HTML page, ERRORS ONLY, by generator, by filing: List of ONLY the errors, sorted by generator software (creation software reported by XBRL Cloud), then by filer name.


Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
See website for complete article licensing information.