Getting the Best Information and Keeping Current
Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 08:15AM
Charlie in Becoming an XBRL Master Craftsman

Admittedly, my blog tends to be organized by stream of consciousness.  It does contain the most current information, but it can be challenging to sort through everything and build a logical summary.  Periodically, I do go through what I have, refactor it, and put things into an easier to use form.

Today, the best summaries of information that I have are:

I am waiting on some improved software which can be used to successfully create a quality digital financial report and help the creator of that report see that they did everything right.  It may take some time to get to this point.  When we do, I will update the Digital Financial Reporting book.

To understand digital financial reporting, one needs to understand these three definitions.  Everything builds on these three definitions: (The links are to the most current version of the definition)

Hard to believe, but that is as complex as it gets.  No ugly XBRL terminology.  Software will hide the XBRL technical syntax.  To drill into this, use the set of videos on the bottom of this page.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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