Conceptulizing Digital Financial Reporting
Monday, February 8, 2016 at 10:19AM
Charlie in Becoming an XBRL Master Craftsman, Digital Financial Reporting

I creating a web page that helps people conceptualize digital financial reporting. I don't have this exactly where I want yet, but I am getting closer and closer.  If anyone has any ideas as to how to improve this please sent them my way.

What I am trying to accomplish is to lay out the pieces of XBRL-based digital financial reporting so that the average professional accountant or auditor can get their heads around why a digital alternative to a general purpose financial report is a useful thing.

Ultimately I want to turn this into a video.  People seem to find the video How XBRL Works helpful as there are nearly 40,000 views of that video.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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