Summary of SEC XBRL Financial Filing Verification/Validation Results
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 11:09AM
Charlie in Creating SEC XBRL Financial Filings, Modeling Business Information Using XBRL

The following is a summary of verification/validation results for a set of 7,199 SEC XBRL financial filings.  All filings are 10-Ks for the fiscal year 2012 filed with the SEC between March 1, 2012 and February 28, 2013.

Here is some information helpful in understanding these validation/verification results:

This is just a small set of the automatable rules which one can test for.  Why would you do that, seems like more work?  Well, it is actually less work.  Automating the testing of correct modeling, computations, and other rules and relations makes it easier to prove to yourself that you did a good job creating your SEC XBRL financial filing.

As the automated rules grows the quality of SEC XBRL financial filings will improve. Why?  Click here.

Article originally appeared on XBRL-based structured digital financial reporting (
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