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US GAAP Taxonomy - Tips, Tricks, and Traps DRAFT Available

A document called US GAAP Taxonomy - Tips, Tricks, and Traps is available here on this blog.  On that page there is an abstract of the document.  In summary, the document provides:

  • A framework for understanding the US GAAP Taxonomy.
  • Tips, tricks, and traps which relate to the entire taxonomy.
  • Tips, tricks, and traps which relate to each network (extended link) within the taxonomy.  Of the approximately 60 extended links in the commercial and industrial companies entry point, 32 of those networks are completed.

The document was created by Christine Tan and myself.  Both of us worked on the US GAAP Taxonomy project team.  In talking to others who were trying to understand the taxonomy we heard that they really did not know where to start.  We believe that is document provides an excellent starting point.

More information is available on the page noted above.

Posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 09:36AM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | Comments1 Comment | References1 Reference

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