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Intuit 2020 Report: Twenty Trends that will Shape the Next Decade

Intuit and Emergent Research have published a summary of twenty trends which they feel will shape the next decade. This is Intuit's description of the report:

The Intuit 2020 report, authored by Emergent Research in partnership with Intuit Inc., explores the demographic, social, economic and technology trends that will affect consumers and small businesses, and those who serve them over the next decade.

The Maryland Association of CPAs provides a 10 minute video interview with Emergent's Steve King which provides an overview of these trends.

One trend is of particular interest to anyone interested in XBRL:

18. Data is Critical for Competitive Advantage - Data overload will no longer be a burden, but an advantage for individuals and companies with the skills to provide compelling analysis to consumers. Those who become proficient in the collection, management and analysis of digital data will gain competitive advantage, leaving others behind.

This report helps you get a grasp of probable changes in store as our complex world continues to evolve, helping you and your business understand how to adapt to these coming changes.

Posted on Friday, December 31, 2010 at 07:05AM by Registered CommenterCharlie in , | CommentsPost a Comment

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