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Resources for Exploring SEC XBRL Financial Filings

Periodically I take a look at SEC XBRL financial filings in order to better understand those filings.  I have a number of resources which I use.  The filings which I am analyzing are 10-K, 10-K/A, 10-Q, and 10-Q/A filings made between November 1, 2011 and February 29, 2012 per the SEC RSS feed archive. The total number of filings which I obtained was 4416.

Here are some of these resources which you might find helpful in order to explore and better understand SEC XBRLfinancial filings:

  • Excel spreadsheet with all 4416 filings. Basic Excel spreadsheet with all the filings, information relating to core financial report semantics, and other information.
  • Excel-based taxonomy explorer. Excel spreadsheet with macros which allows you to load filer taxonomy into an Excel spreadsheet, view the taxonomy within a tree view control, explore various lists of filers (prototype).
  • HTML flat list of filings.  Flat list of filings, links to the filing on the SEC web site and to the filer taxonomy rendered as a flat HTML web page.
  • Viewer format.  A table of contents which goes down the page, you can view either the SEC interactive data view or the filer taxonomy as a flat HTML page.
  • Computer readable XML file (RDF format). Computer readable XML file which can be used to read the filings, the relations infosets which contains taxonomy information.

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