BLOG:  Digital Financial Reporting

This is a blog for information relating to digital financial reporting.  This blog is basically my "lab notebook" for experimenting and learning about XBRL-based digital financial reporting.  This is my brain storming platform.  This is where I think out loud (i.e. publicly) about digital financial reporting. This information is for innovators and early adopters who are ushering in a new era of accounting, reporting, auditing, and analysis in a digital environment.

Much of the information contained in this blog is synthasized, summarized, condensed, better organized and articulated in my book XBRL for Dummies and in the chapters of Intelligent XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Entries in example (1)

Comprehensive Example Completed

I have completed what I call the comprehensive example. Whether you are a business user of XBRL or a technical user of XBRL, there is a lot for you to learn from this high quality, robust example of XBRL. While the details are all there, I have not yet provided the summaries needed to walk you through the comprehensive example so you can get the most from this resource.  Those summaries will be created over the coming weeks.

For now, start at the top of the page, work your way down, and dig into the details which interest you most. There really is a lot there to learn.

Want some smaller more focused examples? If that is the case be sure to check out the business reporting use cases.