BLOG:  Digital Financial Reporting

This is a blog for information relating to digital financial reporting.  This blog is basically my "lab notebook" for experimenting and learning about XBRL-based digital financial reporting.  This is my brain storming platform.  This is where I think out loud (i.e. publicly) about digital financial reporting. This information is for innovators and early adopters who are ushering in a new era of accounting, reporting, auditing, and analysis in a digital environment.

Much of the information contained in this blog is synthasized, summarized, condensed, better organized and articulated in my book XBRL for Dummies and in the chapters of Intelligent XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Entries from March 10, 2019 - March 16, 2019

Understanding and Leveraging Fact Sets

Every XBRL-based public company financial report is essentially a set of fact sets. In the 6,023 XBRL-based reports that I analyzed (all 10-Ks submitted to the SEC using US GAAP):

  • There are 754,430 fact sets
    • 407,392 fact sets (54%) are text blocks (Level 1 Notes, Level 2 Policies, Level 3 Disclosures)
    • 181,063 fact sets (24%) are sets (or hierarchies, no mathematical computations)
    • 120,708 fact sets (16%) are roll ups
    • 37,721 fact sets (5%) are roll forwards
    • 7,546 fact sets (1%) are roll forward infos or something else

What I used to call "blocks" I am not calling "fact sets".  Fact set is a better term that someone else came up with.  The document Understanding and Leveraging Fact Sets explains what a fact set (block) is and some of the things you can do with them.

Happy reading!

Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 03:43PM by Registered CommenterCharlie | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Updated Visualization of Logical Model of Financial Report

I have updated the visualization of the logical model of a financial report.  You can view it here.

(Click image for larger view)

Want to understand more?  Here is a list of resources:

Don't grasp why this stuff is important? Computer Empathy will help you understand that.

Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 02:34PM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint