Wiley Publishes XBRL for Dummies
Wiley Publishing has made it public that they are publishing XBRL for Dummies. Note that this is not a promotional version, but the real deal, already on Amazon.com and coming to a book store near you soon!
The authors of the book are myself and Liv Watson. If you don't know Liv, she has been involved with XBRL from the beginning of XBRL International in 1999 and was one of the people which helped XBRL go global.
I am trying to pack as much useful information as possible for business readers into the book. I am doing my best to condense my 11 years of working on XBRL including hundreds of conference calls, meetings, working with others in creating the specification, working with others creating taxonomies, and generally learning practical approaches to making XBRL work into the book. The book will be packed with the best useful resources I have come across.
In addition to Liv Watson, helping out on this project are:
- Cliff Binstock
- Marc van Hilvoorde
- Rene van Egmond
- Christine Tan
- Eiichi Watanabe
The book is targeted at the business reader who has no experience with XBRL. The authors and contributors have a very good balance between technical and business perspectives and bring this to writing XBRL for Dummies.
If you want to be sure some specific important topic is covered in the book, if you have a good software product you would like to be mentioned, if you have anything you might like to contribute which would help business readers better understand XBRL, or if you have an excellent resource you would like the book to point to...please drop me an email.

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