Cool Widget, Nice SEC XBRL Viewer
This is a cool little widget that I found. But if you look closer, it is even cooler! Click on the "View XBRL Filings" link on the top of the widget and it takes you to a nice little SEC XBRL filings viewer. It is pretty basic, but it does demonstrate some of the potential of what can be achieved using XBRL. Try the SEC XBRL Viewer out than come back and read the rest of the post.
The SEC XBRL Viewer looks like it is an implementation of the open source code the SEC made available. I could be wrong about this, but it seems to be the case. The viewer is pretty basic, but look really close at what is going on here. The SEC XBRL information is being reused very effectively. Others will come up with ideas. The sky is the limit here!
Personally, I would love to see a comparison tool similar to what the SEC had during the voluentary filing program, but better.

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