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Prototype SEC XBRL Filing Using FASB US GAAP 2011 Taxonomy

Here is an SEC XBRL filing I created which makes use of the new FASB 2011 US GAAP Taxonomy. I have not been able to run this through EFM validation yet as I don't know anyone who has adjusted their validation to support the new taxonomy yet.

There are one issues I still need to resolve in that prototype.  I am using 2008 negated label roles and I know there is a 2009 version.  But, I will wait to update that until I see an updated EFM. Also, the US GAAP Taxonomy now provides a Report Date [Axis].  I need to change from using a report date axis which I created in the company extension taxonomy.

This does include XBRL Formulas which use the new taxonomy.

Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 12:19PM by Registered CommenterCharlie | CommentsPost a Comment

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