Integrated Reporting
Integrated reporting seems to be gaining more and more traction, particularly in Europe. One major proponent of integrated reporting is the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). The IIRC states their purpose on their web site as:
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is a global coalition of regulators, investors, companies, standard setters, the accounting profession and NGOs. Together, this coalition shares the view that communication about businesses’ value creation should be the next step in the evolution of corporate reporting.
As I understand it, the IIRC is in the process of getting an XBRL taxonomy acknowledged by XBRL International. It seems that the XBRL taxonomy has to do with the "integrated scorecard".
Here is additional information related to integrated reporting:
- Executive overview. This overview which is about 18 pages long explains integrated reporting very well.
- Integrated Reporting: The Integrated Scoreboard (IS-FESG) and its XBRL Taxonomy. This 128 page document provides additional details and explains the XBRL taxonomy being created.
- Integrated Reporting Taxonomy: Extending IFRS & COREP. This is a presentation made at XBRL Europe recently.

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