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Game of Inches, but there is Movement!

It is a game of inches, but there is definitely movement!

Allstate (not to pick on them, but I needed to pick an example) created the extension concept all:CashPeriodIncreaseDecrease in this filing (screen shot below) and used it to express net cash flow per their cash flow statement:


Allstate has subsequently changed this and now they use the US GAAP Taxonomy concept us-gaap:CashPeriodIncreaseDecrease (this screen shot) on their cash flow statement:


This is a small move, but I am seeing lots and lots of these sorts of these small, positive movements in SEC XBRL financial filings.  There is a ways to go, but the momentum is building.

Posted on Monday, February 27, 2012 at 02:30PM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | CommentsPost a Comment

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