Software User Interface Ideas Useful to Accountants
I build a lot of my own utility tools for working with SEC XBRL financial filings myself using Microsoft Access. Generally, I don't put nice interfaces on the tools, I just use the database information and if I need to make something look better, I move the information into Excel and do that there.
But, I took the time to create some user friendly interfaces on some of the utility tools which I have built. They are limited by my programming skills, but you can see these interfaces, which I think are useful to accountants, here.
The best way to take a look at the screen shots is to follow the link and just watch a slide show of the images. Take time and really look at what you see.
You may ask yourself, "How is he organizing the financial report disclosures and/or the entities the way they are organized." The answer is metadata. See how helpful that metadata can be.
The screen shots are pretty much self explanatory. If you have any other ideas, let me know what they are. I want to get software vendors interested in creating utility tools useful to accountants.

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