Improved SEC XBRL Financial Report Model Structure Comparison Tool
In a prior blog postI mentioned an SEC XBRL financial filing comparison tool which I created. That tool was mostly manual in terms of selecting the entities to compare and it pointed to XML files on my computer.
I made some significant improvements to that comparison tool. You can watch a video which shows the basic functionallity of this improved version of the tool here.
The primary improvement to the tool was an interface for selecting the companies to compare and rather than using local files for the comparison, I use commercially available information. Basically, I rebuilt the back end of my tool to use the XBRL Cloud web service of SEC XBRL filing information.
This XBRL Cloud web service provides the list of entities, the submission information, and the information about the XBRL filing. All this information is organized by my, via my Excel application interface which you can see below:
Comparison tool selection form
I take the information from the web service, load it into Excel, and then I generate the comparison using Excel. You can see that below or download the resulting Excel spreadsheet here:

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