Awesome Tool for Viewing/Analyzing SEC XBRL Filings
In my last post I mentioned the new XBRL Cloud Viewer. I have been fiddling around with the linking to specific parts of an XBRL instance and this is what I have discovered:
- Linking to a filing: If you click here, you will be taken to a specfic filing, in this case the latest Apple 10-Q. Look at the link, notice how you pass the location of the XBRL instance to the viewer and the Viewer opens the filing.
- Linking to specific component: If you click here, you will be taken to that same filing and directly to the cash flow statement.
- Linking to specific fact: If you click here, you will be taken to the same filing, to the cash flow statement, and to the specific line item "Increase in cash and cash equivalents".
- Link to specific view: If you click here, you will be taken to the same filing, cash flow statement, the same line item "Increase in cash and cash equivalents", but to the model structure view.
- Link to business rule: If you click here, you will be taken to the same filing, same component, same concept; but this type to the business rule.
That is pretty handy functionality. Not sure if you realized that you can link directly to US GAAP Taxonomy report elements in this manner. Click here to try that.
If you look at the URLs that you click on, you will see that you can predict what URL needs to be in order to get to a specific location in the XBRL Cloud Viewer. That is very handy.

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