Christmas Present from provided a nice little Christmas present. Three actually.
The first is that they now support human readable renderings of report components rather than simply the machine readable information. Here is a basic example. Here is a list of the components of an entire filing, click on any link in the "Spreadsheet" column.
The second is an HTML format for pretty much every query. So, rather than viewing things in their interface you can view them as HTML pages. Here is a list of the DOW 30. Here is a list of the Fortune 100. Here is a list of the S&P 500. Here is a list of the Russell 1000.
The third present is a token which provides access to their API until January 15, 2015. Here is a link to their API which has the token embedded. (I don't know what sort of limitations they have on the token.)
Digital financial reporting is coming along nicely! Merry Christmas to all!!!

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