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Several Working Prototypes for Viewing Disclosures

Give me a little break here because I am not a programmer and my back end database is only Microsoft Access...but here are a few working prototypes that I created to work with financial disclosures:

  1. My personal favorite: Organizes disclosures by ASC Topic. This is slower because it dynamically builds the list of disclosures and puts them under each topic.  This can be made static.
  2. Static Version of My personal favorite: Well, took about 10 seconds to make a static version of this.  The down side is that I have to update the HTML page every time I change something in the database.
  3. Fastest and most comprehensive: These are all static HTML pages so access time is fast.
  4. Examples by disclosure: Provides a list of companies that have a specific disclosure so you can go look at how each entity disclosed something.
  5. Compare Level 3 and Level 4 disclosures: Allows you to compare the Level 3 Text Block and the Level 4 Detail representations of a disclosure.
  6. Compare disclosure across different reporting entities: Another version, works a little differently.
  7. Disclosures by Information Model: Breaks out disclosures by information model.
  8. Disclosures also by Information Model: Another approach which leverages the information model.

That is all for now.  If you have any ideas to improve these, or if you want the database information so you can try and create something better, please contact me.

Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 10:46AM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | CommentsPost a Comment

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