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Data Modeler of 2020: Adaptations Data Modelers Should Consider

Steve Hoberman who is an expert in data modeling created an excellent video, Data Modeler of 2020, which discusses the future of data modeling.  The video points out considerations which is applicable to digital financial reporting.  The primary thing the video shows is that there are new trends in working with data/information which are replacing current techniques and data modelers need to adapt.

Steve's 40 minute video is worth watching.  In the video Steve goes through 5 adaptations which a data modeler should consider.  Those adaptations are summarized here:

  • Become a data structure scientist (others seem to use the term knowledge engineer rather than data structure scientist)
  • Ride the wave caused by the perfect storm (agile + cloud + big data)
  • Learn a graph or document database
  • Master a fact-based modeling (FBM) dialect (others use the term object role modeling (ORM); XBRL and OWL are fact-based modeling tools)
  • Build and maintain an enterprise logical data model (LDM) (taxonomy, ontology, or some other highly-expressive information modeling approach)


Posted on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 07:48AM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | CommentsPost a Comment

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