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Machine Readable Reporting Styles for IFRS

Here is the beginning of a set of machine-readable reporting styles for IFRS.  I will be creating reporting styles for the 250 companies that report to the SEC, form 20-F, using the IFRS taxonomy.  Here is a list of those 250 companies. Here is a list of the disclosures of those companies.  You can compare disclosures using that set of information.  For example, here is a comparison of the auditor renumeration disclosure.

Here is some additional information for those IFRS financial reports.

And here is the same reporting styles information for US GAAP.  Here is a comparison of some of the US GAAP disclosures similar to what I did for IFRS.  Here are the 5,734 companies in an Excel spreadsheet.

What I want to do is standardize all this, make it the same for IFRS and US GAAP.  This is excellent information for creating financial reports.  I just have to organize the many, many prototypes that I have created.

Stay tuned!

Posted on Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 06:52AM by Registered CommenterCharlie | CommentsPost a Comment

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