ESMA Field Test Information, Great Information for Testing
I mentioned in another postthe field test of the ESEF (European Single Electronic Format). Here is some additional information.
This is the set of 22 companies that participated in the ESEF field test. I created an RSS feed for these 22 companies. Not sure why the ESMA did not do that, it is kind of standard practice to provide a machine-readable version of the set of filings.
I ran all 22 of these filings through validation using XBRL Cloud and the following are the validation results:
By ESMA filer:
By Error/Inconsistency message:
There are a lot of errors, but the vast majority of errors fall into one category which is called "InvalidXhtmlBodyContent". Basically, the filer is not representing their [Text Block]s correctly, violating the Inline XBRL specification. One of the filings would not even load, I am pretty sure that filing was violating the Taxonomy Package Specification which dictates how the ZIP archive is formatted. Could be wrong about that, still trying to figure that out but that is what I speculate is going on.
So, these 22 filings add to my set of IFRS filings that I am testing. I am creating the fundamental accounting concept relations continuity cross check validation for IFRS with the help of a handful of other accountants. I am also working on validating the disclosures. I have the framework all up and running, I just need to create more metadata to match what I have for US GAAP.
If you are still trying to understand why I am going through all this effort, read this document.
Just for the heck of it I tried to create an XBRL instance using the Taxonomy Package ZIP format. Here it is. It worked!

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