CEAOB Issues Audit Guidelines for XBRL-based Financial Reports
The Committee of European Audit Oversight Bodies (CEAOB) has issued guidance, Guidelines on audits' involvement financial statements in ESEF, related to the audit of both the human readable layer and machine readable layer of XBRL-based digital financial reports. Here is that guidance.
To give you a flavor for the requirement, see page 5 section titled "Accuracy" which includes this guidance:
- The marked-up information does not correspond with the human-readable layer of the financial statements;
- Numbers disclosed in the primary statements of the IFRS consolidated financial statements have been marked-up with an inaccurate context (e.g. year or year-end, currency; debit/credit; scaling (i.e. millions/thousands));
- Inappropriate elements from the core taxonomy have been selected;
- A misrepresentation of the accounting meaning of the number or disclosure being marked-up arising from selecting an inappropriate element from the core taxonomy;
- An extension taxonomy element created to mark-up a number in the primary statements is not anchored to the core taxonomy element having the closest wider accounting meaning and/or scope to that extension taxonomy element of the issuer;
- Where an extension taxonomy element combines a number of core taxonomy elements, the issuer has not anchored that extension taxonomy element to each of those core taxonomy elements.
Here is information that I provided related to the audit of XBRL-based financial reports.

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