Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) explained to be "an operating system for collective intelligence and a new form of human association": Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or DAO. DAOs and DAOstack are explained in the white paper An Operating System for Collective Intelligence.
As the white paper points out, decentralized organizations are abundant in nature. An ant colony is a decentralized structure. The ant colony functions without "central management" or control. The queen ant does not manage the colony, she just has the role of laying eggs. Individual ants behaves in reaction to the conditions of its environment. The sensible colony is an emergent phenomena at the collective level, derived from an indirect coordination of ants which need not even communicate directly with one another.
A decentralized autonomous organization might look something like this graphic below from page 9 of the paper:
What if platform builders, backend developers, front end UI creators, professional accountants, people that had sales skills, all collaborated using an organization such as the set of DAOs above? What if an organization was created that enabled participates that can provide value to make enough money to make a living and also be their own boss and owner in the organization?
Think about that.

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