Token Economics
International Banker published an article, Token Economics: An Emerging Field, which does a pretty good job of highlighting some issues related to the utility of tokens. The article is worth a read.
In particular, note the discussion about decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) and decentralised applications (DApps). This article explains nine different token models. This article, Understanding Token Economics (Tokenomics 101), introduces the term tokenomics. This article discusses sidechains.
This Forbes article, Triple-Entry Accounting and Blockchain: a Common Misconception, makes the following statement:
"blockchain will entirely disrupt accounting processes as we know them -- it’s only a matter of time"
The article also points out that "triple-entry accounting" and "accounting using a blockchain" are different things. I personally have made the mistake of thinking that triple-entry accounting and accounting using a blockchain were the same thing. Apparently they are not.
There are numerous blockchains this Medium article, Unhyped Comparison of Blockchain Platforms, provides a lot of good information that helps you understand how stuff on the blockchain works.
Blockchain is not the only way to create a digital distributed ledger. Another is hashgraph. Who will win? Blockchain or hashgraph. If blockchain, WHICH blockchain? This comparison of Hedera Hashgraph and Ethereum provides some good information. Then you have Skynet! (I cannot tell if Skynet is real.)
All this can be confusing. But, here is one thing that is not confusing at all: accounting processes will be disrupted. That is for certain. Personally, I don't know exactly how. But the disruption is inevitable.

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