BLOG: Digital Financial Reporting
This is a blog for information relating to digital financial reporting. This blog is basically my "lab notebook" for experimenting and learning about XBRL-based digital financial reporting. This is my brain storming platform. This is where I think out loud (i.e. publicly) about digital financial reporting. This information is for innovators and early adopters who are ushering in a new era of accounting, reporting, auditing, and analysis in a digital environment.
Much of the information contained in this blog is synthasized, summarized, condensed, better organized and articulated in my book XBRL for Dummies and in the chapters of Intelligent XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Entries in Distributed Ledgers (5)
The IPFS whitepaper describes IPFS or the InterPlanitary File System thus:
The IterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files.
Today, the internet uses location based addressing. IPFS uses content based addressing. What IPFS is and how it works is explained in very simple terms in this video. This article, What is IPFS? - A Beginner's Guide, digs into the details a bit more.
Filecoin is a decentralized network for storing content that uses IPFS and blockchain technology. This video helps you understand Filecoin.
Key to understanding how IPFS works is having an understanding of Merkle DAGs. How all this works together is explained in this article, What's really happening when you add a file to IPFS?
So what does all this mean?
It means that things like IPFS, Filecoin, Merkle DAGs and such can be used to flexibly store information that will always be available and you can trust that the information has not been tampered with. A complete audit trail is provided in an immutable digital distributed ledger. All of these things provide the physical "stuff" that is necessary to effectively employ the logical "stuff" like knowledge graphs that are used to represent XBRL-based digital financial reports.
Splitting a Directed Acyclic Graph into Components
Installing IPFS Command Line (This video walks you through installation)

Staking Cryptocurrencies
I am trying to get my head around staking cryptocurrencies, proof of stake, etc. Rewards are paid to stakers for participating in a network. You get some percentage reward for "staking" in a network. tracks, well, staking rewards.
These resources are helpful in understanding staking.

Reengineering Accounting
There are a lot of blockchain-related companies and other underlying infrastructure providers that are trying to reengineer accounting. Here is a partial list:
- Alastria
- Auditchain
- Axoni
- Balance3
- BBiller
- Blockstack
- ChainThis
- Global Legal Entity Identifier (infrastructure)
- GovernanceChain
- Hyperledger (blockchain infrastructure) (this is a business oriented approach; scalable, secure, industrial strength blockchain technologies for business)
- Ledgerium
- OpenFiling
- Pacio
- PayPie
- Request Network
It will be interesting to see if any succeed. Here are some good videos that explain Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Triple-Entry accounting: Bitcoin is more than money. Blockchain is a new way to record and store transactions of all sorts. This video explains the basics of how bitcoin works. This video explains how triple-entry accounting works. This is a pretty decent video that explains the implications of triple-entry accounting. This is an OK explanation of triple-entry accounting.
This paper created by the UK government is one of the most comprehensive yet approachable resources for understanding distributed ledgers.
Integrating semantics and blockchain.
AICPA: Evolution of Auditing: From the Traditional Approach to the Future Audit
Auditing has made great strides in the past decade, but it has not seemingly kept pace with the real-time economy. Some auditing approaches and techniques that were valuable in the past now appear outdated. Also, the auditing evolution has reached a critical juncture whereby auditors may either lead in promoting and adopting the future audit or continue to adhere to the more traditional paradigm in some manner. Future audit approaches would likely require auditors, regulators, and standards setters to make significant adjustments. Such adjustments might include (1) changes in the timing and frequency of the audit, (2) increased education in technology and analytic methods, (3) adoption of full population examination instead of sampling, (4) re-examination of concepts such as materiality and independence, and (5) mandating the provisioning of the audit data standard. Auditors would need to possess substantial technical and analytical skills that are currently not components of most traditional four year university accounting programs.
SOX introduced the first major change in the mandate of the public company audit. This new prescription focuses on auditor assessment of internal controls, a very important step in the assurance of future systems that will be modular, computerized, and often outsourced. The accounting profession now faces an opportunity to further elevate the audit to a higher level of automation. It is imperative that accountants ultimately lead the way in adoption and implementation of the future audit such that they continue to be the professionals of choice relative to audit engagements of the future.
Feasibility, Desirability, Viability
- Desirability is explored through Customer Segments, Customer Relationships, Channels and Value Proposition.
- Feasibility is explored through Key Resources, Key Activities and Key Partners.
- Viability is explored through Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.
Generally speaking, every major brand collapse you can think of started with the abandonment of their competitive advantage.
- Kodak invented digital cameras, then neglected the technology.
- Department stores thrived on convenience, but their disdain for internet shopping made their services harder to engage with.
- Nokia and Motorola had the phone market sewn up, then sat on their hands while two others took their Innovative title away from them.

Excellent Explanation of How Blockchain Works
This is an excellent explanation of how blockchain works. It has a video and web pages that you can fiddle with.
You can look at the etherum blockchain here. You can post to the chainthis blockchain here.
This video provides an excellent explanation of the sorts of things blockchain can be used for.

Hashgraph: An Alternative to Blockchain for Distributed Ledgers?
I thought that blockchain was the only way to build distributed ledgers. Seems like there is a new technology: hashgraph. This article, Blockchain Just Became Obsolete: the Future is Hashgraph, helps you understand the difference between blockchain and hashgraph. In particular, this 10 minute video is very helpful.
Remember that a distributed ledgar is an application or a use case. Blockchain and hashgraph are technologies that are used to implement distributed ledgers.