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GE Using Blogs to Disclose Information

After my blog post about using RSS/ATOM for financial information disclosure, a reader of my blog made me aware that GE is using blogs to disclose information to investors.

Reuters has a good article about GE's use of a blog, GE embraces blogs, some see disclosure worry.

One of the most interesting things about this article is this quote:

"Any time you shrink the number of outlets you use or the number of methods you use, you raise the potential for reaching a smaller audience," said Ken Dowell, executive vice president at PRNewswire. "I don't think that levels the playing field at all."

Huh.  PRNewswire not thinking blogs are a good idea.  Seems to me they have a bit of an interest in maintaining the status quo.

Anyway, this experimentation by GE is great. 

Posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 06:44AM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | CommentsPost a Comment

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