Two Resources for Looking at SEC Filings
I have created two new resources for looking at SEC XBRL Filings. Both are for looking at XBRL taxonomies used by filers.
The first resourceis a simple little XBRL taxonomy viewer which uses HTML pages. It is fast and it allows you to look through all the taxonomies of those who filed XBRL with the SEC.
The second resourcelets you look at the US GAAP Taxonomies. Actually, this only provides views of the presentation linkbases of the commercial and industrial (CI) entry point. That is my focus area for looking at the filings because most filers are in this category and I don't have time or desire to provide this for each US GAAP Taxonomy entry point.
I want to point out an interesting thing about these taxonomy viewers. If you look at the far right hand side of the concepts shown in these views, you will see a number that is in gray and looks like {ID123}. Those numbers allow you to link to a specific concept in the taxonomy using those HTML pages. This little trick is stolen from DecisionSoft SpiderMonkey which allows you to do basically the same thing. For example, click hereto see what I am talking about. (i.e. you go to the ALLERGAN INC taxonomy "Supplemental Cash Flow Note" which is ID131). Look at the link to see how this works. (You will see why this is a handy tool next week when I use it in some other information that I provide.)
I realize that I am throwing a lot of stuff out here. Hang tight and check back, I will provide a better organized view into all this information so those who what to explore all these SEC filings can do so.

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