XBRLSITE.COM Gets a Face Lift!
XBRL Site (http://www.xbrlsite.com) is a web site that I maintain to provide additional information about XBRL. If you have been their, you will know that the web pages were pretty plain. That is because I don't put a lot of effort into making them look pretty because I was editing the pages in Microsoft Word.
Well, guess what I got for Christmas. An iMac. I use it for my photography and video editing. It also has a web page editor, iWeb. I figured I would fiddle with that and use that to maintain the XBRLSITE.COM web site. (By the way, I really like the iMac. Another reason I got an iMac is the tight "integration" of the iMac, iTunes, my iPod Touch, and things. I think Apple is creating some really nice hardware and software, wanted to check it out.)
If you have not checked out XBRLSITE.COM you may want to do so. There is actually more there than what you see on the meager three pages which you see when you go to the site. Most of the other content is referenced from this blog to that web site. Plus there is other stuff which I experiment with and don't really link to at all, other than email discussions with others working with XBRL.
By the way...thanks for the iMac Santa!

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