Awesome Tool for Analyzing SEC XBRL Taxonomies
Web Filingshas released a free tool for having a look at XBRL taxonomies used for SEC XBRL filings. You can find the tool here.
Here are two screen shots of the tool in action. I am using it to compare how different filers build their company extension taxonomies.
- Comparison of balance sheets 1: This PNG shows a comparison of the concept "Assets" on the balance sheets of six SEC XBRL filers. Notice how each of the six companies used the same concept to organize their balance sheet.
- Comparison of balance sheets 2: This PNG shows a comparison of the [Axis] used on the balance sheet for six SEC XBRL filers. All six used the Legal Entity [Axis] on the balance sheet.
There are other things you can do with the tool such as browse the released version of the US GAAP Taxonomy and search for concepts.
Nice work Web Filings! I look forward to other tools like this becoming available to help business users get the most out of what XBRL has to offer. Imagine being able to compare the actual filings themselves in this manner.
If you become aware of a good tool, please make me aware of it.

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