Updated Business Use Cases
The metapatterns are distilled from this set of about 30 business use cases. These have been updated also to correct errors, make terminology more precise, and otherwise improve these examples. These business use cases have likewise been thoroughly tested using four different XBRL processors to be sure that they are correct.
While this may not be every business use case one would run up against when creating a digital financial report using something like XBRL, it would be hard to argue that any of these 30 or so business use cases are not necessary for financial reporting. The point is that all of the sorts of things need to be considered when expressing a financial statement, such as an SEC XBRL financial filing, using XBRL.
Not only does each of these business use cases need to work in isolation, but they also need to work together to deilver a combined digital financial report. Few accountants and few technical users grasp all these moving pieces. Studying these business use cases can empower you to put all these pieces together correctly. Be sure to read through the documentation which explains the nuances and subtleties of each of these business use cases.

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