Libraries of Queries for
I have been fiddling around with for quite some time. 28msec is pretty liberal about making the service available. The DOW 30 information is available for free. If you sign up, which is also free, you basically have access to all information for all the companies who file 10-K and 10-Q filings except for trusts and funds.
(NOTE that change the beginning of the URL to and the public token to c3049752-4d35-43da-82a2-f89f1b06f7a4 The queries need to be adjusted for those two changes.
I create some documentation a while back which shows how to create: (some of these might need updating)
To make this even easier to understand, I create the following example queries and reports which also includes 28msec's new spreadsheet-to-report type queries. Here are those.
- RSS Feed of queries comparing IBM and Microsoft: A set of 6 queries which compares IBM and Microsoft.
- Compare IBM and Microsoft: Demonstrates how you can embed queries within a web page and render multiple queries together on one page. (This uses the queries in the RSS above and simply organizes the queries in an HTML page using iframes.)
- RSS Feed of 27 fact queries: Set of 27 different fact queries which returns results in a common fact table format.
- Compare across entities (RSS Feed): Set of queries which demonstrate how to compare information across entities. This uses the spreadsheet-to-report to return human readable results. (also available in RDF)
- Compare across periods (RSS Feed): Set of queries which demonstrate how to compare information for the same entity across periods. Also uses the spreadsheet-to-report human readable format. (also available in RDF)
This stuff is really getting useful!

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