Working Proof of Concept Template Selector
I showed a prototype/mockup application GUI interface in a blog post and in another blog post and I showed the metadata that would make that application work.
In this blog post I will show you a WORKING software application and give you the source code to that application so you can SEE how it works.
To get the application to run you MUST be able to run Microsoft.Net (i.e. Windows, this will not work on a Mac).
If you cannot get the application to run, the next best thing is to watch this video which shows what this working proof of concept does.
So what if this ideas of using templates and exemplars for creating financial reports is a good one and actually works out? What does that mean?
Think about that.
NOTE that there is some sort of memory issue that I cannot figure out that causes the US GAAP topics and disclosures to crash. To work around that, either (a) use the US GAAP reporting scheme first or (b) if you get the bug close the application, then reopen it and do US GAAP first.

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