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Try Browser-based Scratch

Scratch, the popular software application created by MIT, provided a significant amount of inspiration for the expert system a software engineer and I built for creating financial reports.

While you could fiddle with some of the ideas of Scratch using the browser-based Blockly, also inspired by Scratch, you could not run what you create.

But now you can run what you create and do even more fiddling.  Scratch is now available as a browser-based application. Here are some videos that help you understand how to use Scratch.

Now, I speculate that most people will wonder what I am talking about and how Scratch relates to financial reporting.  But some will likely get what I am trying to point out.

No worries.  Ultimately you will be able to fiddle with real financial reports and then what I am trying to communicate will be more clear.  But, I cannot do that just now; we have a little more work to do with our application.


Posted on Monday, August 20, 2018 at 08:13AM by Registered CommenterCharlie in | CommentsPost a Comment

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