The Knowledge Graph Cookbook: Recipes that Work
This is an excellent resource: The Knowledge Graph Cookbook: Recipes that Work. Well worth reading. You can download that PDF or purchase a printed copy on Amazon. (I put the PDF on my web site here.)
The book is described as follows:
The Knowledge Graph Cookbook explains why your organization should invest in the development of knowledge graphs, and most importantly, what recipes exist for developing and integrating them in an efficient, successful and sustainable way. The Knowledge Graph Cookbook will be a valuable resource for practitioners and decision-makers to take advantage of the many benefits of this methodology, especially the positive impact it has on the implementation of AI strategies. Learn more about this innovative approach called semantic AI. The Knowledge Graph Cookbook is based on more than 20 years of experience that both authors, Andreas Blumauer and Helmut Nagy, have gathered in the field of semantic technologies, text mining, data management, knowledge management and AI for business use cases.
Particularly interesting if you have read this article about financial report knowledge graphs and this article that explains that XBRL is effectively a knowledge graph.
While this book focuses on RDF+OWL+SHACL and graph databases (labeled property graphs, LPG); there is a third kind of primary problem solving logic paradigms: logic programming. I do agree with the authors that standards will matter and a standard approach that all three problem solving logic paradigms will drift to.
XBRL is mentioned as being a Domain Knowledge Graph on page 108 of The Knowledge Graph Cookbook: Recipes that Work:
Introduction to Graph Databases (Video by Tiger Graph)
Comparing Relational, NOSQL, and Graph Databases (Video by Tiger Graph)

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