Legal Blawx
Many years ago I ran across Scratch and Blockly that is based on the ideas of Scratch. I used the notion of a block to manage the structures within an XBRL-based financial report.
Seems like someone else has a similar idea for legal related applications which they called Legal Blawx. This seems to be a free download on GitHub. This Ted Talk explains the ideas behind what is going on here.
To understand Blawx, I would recommended reading Blawx: Rules as Code Demonstration. Also, this YouTube video is helpful in understanding, Encoding Rocks Paper Scissors in
The working proof of concept is a combination of Flora-2 (a.k.a. ErgoLight), an open source declarative logic programming language, and Blockly, a Google platform for developing visual coding environments. Blockly is a descendent of Scratch, a tool designed to teach kids how to code.
Here is more information on rules as code:
- Rules as Code
- Working Blawx Proof of Concept
- Blawx Tutorials
- Source Code for above working proof of concept
- Ted Talk
Why does this matter? Computational Professional Services. Microsoft has created something similar to Blockly called Make Code. (This is an ONLINE version of Make Code that you can use.) Imagine a logic driven interface, driven by metalogic and a metamodel. See this. See this.

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