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Quarterly XBRL-based Public Company Financial Report Quality Measurement (Nov 2017)

The graphic below shows the results of my quarterly measurements of fundamental accounting concept relations continuity cross checks of XBRL-based financial reports of public companies which are submitted to the SEC.

I have been measuring specific fundamental accounting information of public company XBRL-based financial reports being submitted to the SEC for going on four years now.  The quality of the information reported continually improves each time measurements are taken, which is a good sign.

Highlights for this quarter include three new filing agents/software vendors that have reached the point where 90% or more of the XBRL-based reports they create are consistent with all of my business rules: Compliance XpresswareEZ-XBRL, and IRIS Carbon.

You can download a ZIP file that contains an Excel spreadsheet that a list of all 994 errors.

Here is a comparison of March, August, and November 2017.

Information Extraction Prototype: Lets you extract data from 375 XBRL-based financial reports, Download ZIP Archive containing Excel spreadsheet

(Click for larger image)

Here are the errors by test:

  Click image for larger view) 

Posted on Friday, December 1, 2017 at 02:34PM by Registered CommenterCharlie | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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